

Support for Research Activities

Toyota Technological Institute has a variety of Support Programs to stimulate research activities.

Support for Research Start-up

Toyota Technological Institute provides support for remodeling of laboratories and initial equipments for Research Start-up.
The maximum period of use is up to 3 years.

Professor Associate Professor/
Assistant Professor
Experimental Field 20 million yen 10 million yen 2 million yen
Theoretical Field 10 million yen 5 million yen
Social Sciences and Humanities Field 5 million yen 2.5 million yen

Support for Specially Promoted Research

This program supports the expenses necessary for the improvement of the research environment desired from the perspective of the entire institute.
Annual total budget: 100 million yen with conditions for application

Support for Research Promotion

This support is aimed at stimulating researches at TTI to improve further these level.
Up to 3 million yen per project. Annual total budget: 20 million yen

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